Risk Management is Essential

Risk management helps individuals or organisations determine their risks and reduce likelihood and impact, providing for better decision-making.

The importance of risk management in an organisation or business cannot be understated.

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Every organisation has associated risks. These risks need to be managed to minimise the likelihood and impact of these risks. For this reason, every organisation requires risk management.

GetRiskManager offers many benefits that make it a worthwhile adoption for every organisation. For example:

Better Decision Making

Being able to access risk information means decisions are made based on the agreed information, not opinion

Maintaining a Reputation

The reputation of an organisation is essential to its survival; and, for a business, the trust and confidence of the consumer can have a direct and profound effect on the bottom line

Manage Threats

Specific control and mitigation actions will reduce the likelihood of a risk occurring, and make the impact less severe

Rank Opportunities

Set the probability and likelihood of success, and ensure you focus on the best opportunities 

Contingency Planning

Organisations need to prepare for events such as the loss of data, people, clients, suppliers, and other disruptions. Make contingency planning a normal part of the way your organisation works

Regulatory Compliance

Supports an organisation to achieve compliance with relevant laws, policies, and regulations

Organisational Protection and Efficiency

Within the process of risk management, organisations often discover risks that could cause them to operate inconsistently or inefficiently


Show all parts of the organisation the status of threats and opportunities through a standardised interface. Drive a risk-based culture centred around awareness and openness

Efficient Use of Resource

Ensures everyone is focused not just on delivery but aware of the risks and the actions required by themselves and others

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Manage risk across devices

Accessible from multiple devices – from a smartphone in the field to a desktop in the office

GetRiskManager on multiple devices

Optimal Security, Functionality and Support


The Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure used by GetRiskManager puts strong safeguards in place to help protect privacy. Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority; and with AWS, the data centre and network architecture are built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organisations


GetRiskManager allows organisations to follow the steps of risk identification, analysing, evaluating, controlling, mitigating, contingency planning, monitoring, communicating and reviewing


GetRiskManager support for organisations include a dedicated online Ticketing System, Knowledge Base and User Community Forum


Risk Assessments

Define the Risk Event and Cause

Risk Control

Reduce the likelihood of occurrence

Risk Mitigation

Reduce the consequence if the risk event occurs

Risk Register

See all risks on a single register

Risk Matrix

A visual aid showing current risk exposure​

Risk Signature​

Be aware of inherent, current and residual risk

Task Management

Manage tasks that control and mitigate risk

Contingency Planning

Be ready if and when the worst occurs

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